A documentary by Iain McGuinness

Tag: parental alienation

Documentary contributors search

I’m looking for documentary contributors from across the nations of the UK to feature in The Problems About Men, a film about men’s inequality, exploring issues such as misandry, and violence against people, particularly domestic abuse against men and boys.

Contributors can get in touch with me by filling in this form.

The film will be shown on Amazon Prime Video and other online platforms in 2024. Some initial filming is being carried out at the moment, with additional blocks scheduled for later in the year. A podcast is also planned.

I feel making the film is necessary, due to the facts that men account for the majority of suicides, workplace deaths, homeless living on the street, and the prison population, amongst a host of other factors. For example, boys are doing less well in schools, and fewer men are going to university.

Men and boys are more likely to be the victims of violence. Most likely by another male. But that doesn’t mean we ignore those victims, and instead have governments and the authorities focus all efforts on stopping violence against women and girls (whilst a noble cause), whom are less likely to be harmed; they are, however, more likely to fear attack.

Men are more likely to receive harsher sentences than women for crimes committed. They’re treated less favourably than women in the family courts.

Men are about one third of domestic abuse victims, but there’s little help available for them, miniscule funding for organisations, and hardly any shelters. Police and the courts continue to help men less. Male victims just aren’t taken as seriously.

Firstly, I’ll be visiting London, Cardiff and Belfast to film. There’ll also be filming across Scotland, including Edinburgh and Glasgow, although that’s more open-ended in terms of dates, since I’m based in Scotland.

The topics I’m looking to discuss with documentary contributors include:

  • Criminal justice
  • Domestic abuse
  • False accusations
  • Family courts
  • Health
  • Homelessness
  • Parental alienation
  • Sexual abuse
  • Suicide

I’m also very keen to hear from any academics, professionals or organisations who work with men or boys, particularly in domestic abuse, mental health and homelessness, and from families who have experienced the death of a loved one.

Documentary contributors don’t necessarily have to appear on camera, and identities can be protected if the contributor requires this.

All contact will be treated in the strictest of confidence, with sensitivity, and everyone will be given the utmost respect and consideration. A chat via telephone or email would take place before meeting, to hear people’s stories, and to answer any questions of me.

Reasonable travel expenses and subsistence will be paid.

Contributors can get in touch with me by filling in this form, emailing hello@theproblemsaboutmen.co.uk, or writing to:

Creative Zealots Group Limited
272 Bath Street
G2 4JR

The Problems About Men Podcast

In the near future, there’ll be a six-part podcast accompanying the film, released at intervals during its production.

Hosted by me, and covering some of today’s most important UK men’s inequality issues, with contributions from guests.

  • Episode 1: Homelessness
  • Episode 2: Domestic abuse
  • Episode 3: Criminal justice
  • Episode 4: Family courts
  • Episode 5: False accusations
  • Episode 6: Parental alienation

We’ll let you know when the first episode is available on Spotify and iTunes, etc.

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